Quoted By:
Kasumi sat in a seat at Xtacy, lighting up a cigarette. She had gotten even more violent since taking medication, and the staff had stopped trying to get her to quit smoking indoors. Cassie was gone too, which probably helped. A server brought over her usual, whiskey and coke, which Kasumi casually pushed off the table in front of her.
>Whoops. Clean that up. Quickly.
Kasumi took a drag off her cigarette.
"...I-Isn't that your usua-
>I don't drink anymore, shut the fuck up. Club soda with lemonade. Quickly.
Kasumi blew her smoke in her server's face.
"K-Kasumi you 'quit' drinking several times before and got mad when we-"
>Did I look like this when I said that?! Hurry the fuck up. That glass is coming out of your paycheck. And that's Ms. O'Brian to you cunt, Chief Executive Xtacy Security and Other Operations Officer.
Kasumi glared at the server as she quickly swept up the broken glass and ran off to retrieve Kasumi's drink. Kasumi took another drag and checked her phone. Kasumi had sunk a LOT of money into KasumiKoin. It'd be best if Ms. O'Brian could turn this into real money. The server brought Ms. OB her drink.
>Thank you. Now fuck off.
She took a sip as she checked her phone.