>>16758890>Is it not the craziest shit ever that we injected over half the world with untested science juice?Conversion software like 7.0 Disrupt your Input/Output Signals of the Collective Human Race - It's too stop the Arc 1 & 3 Event - Connection with Source (Ascension)
The Vaccine was designed as an inhibiter carrier of Input/Output Signals
Gestalt</>Universal Mathematical Language aka Positive [+] Negative [-] 369 ie (1) (0) (∞) Sacred Geometry Grand Unified Thought/Theory
(Low density beings are "Re-Born" for the Harvest (Designed/Cattle) too the Outer/Other Worlds/Beyond this Simulation)
All Designed and Planned
“As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul” ― Hermes Trismegistus
[Ascension] High 369 Above 6/7/8/9/10/11 - Realm Configuration 369 Progress + New Density
NCP *Non-Controlled Player* (1) (Positive [+]) Light/On/Awake/Right/Master/Chaos(1) - Order(0) NCP = Egg[+]Ego (Egregors ie Chicken/Egg Metaphor)
3-The Mother is Matter/Form/Earth/Gaia (Binah) (Yin) Binary Digit (0) - Rahu (North/Ascending Lunar) aka Women(Source)+Man(Human)
6-The Father is Energy/Fire/Sun/Sol (Chokmah) (Yang) Binary Digit (1) - Kasyapa aka Father(God)/Son(Dog)
9-Both are the same at the end (Tiferet) (Dao) Beyond Binary ( ∞ ) - Kether aka Crown/Most High/Tree of Life hence (Egregors)
[Descension] Low 369 Below /4/3/2/1/0/00 - Realm Configuration 124578 Regress - Return Density
NPC *Non-Playing Character* (0) Negative [-] Dark/Off/Asleep/Left/Slave/Order(0) - Chaos(1) NPC = Ego[-]Egg (Ouroboros ie Dragon/Snake Metaphor)
3-The Mother is Matter/Form/Earth/Gaia (Binah) (Yin) Binary Digit (0) - Ketu (South/Descending Lunar) aka Women(Beast/Machine)+Man(Beast/Machine)
6-The Father is Energy/Fire/Sun/Sol (Chokmah) (Yang) Binary Digit (1) - Shiva aka Father(Dog)/Son(God)
9-Both are the same at the end (Tiferet) (Dao) Beyond Binary ( ∞ ) - Malkuth aka Inverted Crown/Most Low/Tree of Death hence (Ouroboros)