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Jesus story (and hence Islam too) was invented after about 1000AD and didn't exist prior.
Also, Jews didn't exist (as Jews or "Hebrews" etc) until a few years AFTER the Romans arrived in the region.
EVERYTHING claimed to exist prior for either is either mislabeled (Sumerian and Egyptian crosses W/OUT a Jesus were among most common pagan memes/designs), likely frauds (that have never been dated by skeptical scientists) and/or are well handled artifacts whose true date can't be determined, or are lacking any clear indication of Christian, Muslim or Jewish existence.
Everything that claims otherwise is copies of copies of copies last created sometime after 1000AD for Jesus/Islamic, and suddenly after about 1000AD we have lots of legit original manuscripts and clearly "Jesus On The Cross" painting, tile, statues, stained glass, etc. Ditto for Islam. If the "Muslim Conquest" happened it happened without a trace of anyone being in fact Muslim.
Jewish stuff starts appearing about 400AD. IIRC no surviving Roman manuscripts indicate Jews existed and everything is like Christian all pre-dated done after about 1000AD.
Real cultures such as all the OTHERS we know existed in the "Holy Lands", or USSR, or Mexico, or Peru or China, leave behind tons of clearly distinctive shit that is still being dug up today and can be dated not just by Carbon-14 but chemical weathering and layers of soil, etc.