When im correct with everything in
>>9777263 >>9777264 >>9777265 >>9777266 >>9777282 it means that the We wuz kangz niggers arent actually wrong, but are leaving out a lot
The pyramids and all that stuff was build by those before the flood, the real ancient egyptians. Then came the flood and wiped them away leaving only the monuments. After that the son of ham (a nigger), Myzriam (also a nigger) went to that area and settled there according to the bible and LARPed as civilization.
Couple hundred years later Joseph (white) gets sold by his brothers into slavery to egypt. When he arrived there he saw the people starving (curse of cain doesnt let the ground yield fruit for them which is why niggers never learnt farming in all the time).
Joseph then teaches them the basics and enables them to sustain their people again. For this he got appointed as the closest associate of the pharao and was given complete authority and egypt converted to monotheism.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AtenWho later became a monotheistic God. Coincidently
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atenism>In the 14th century BC, Atenism was Egypt's state religion for around 20 yearsthis fits perfectly the time of Yuya mummy
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yuya>Yuya was a powerful Egyptian courtier during the Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt (circa 1390 BC)Which is also the time Joseph is said to have lived
So around the the same time blonde Yuya, who most likely was the biblical Joseph, who came around egypt and teached them to farm and sustain their people and as a result became the closest ally of the pharao, they started worshiping a single God, Aten, and Aten coincidentally is also associated with the sun again like most symbolism around the biblical God revolves
Also note that all the prophecieson Israel fit the white man way better than kikes or other ethnicities.
>>9777286how about you read the posts i linked you to flaggot