>>19424464>>19424467>[Sheila Foster is grinning like a drunk Australian at a karaoke bar. This like spike has skills! Even if she doesn’t know it. The crowd are well into it by now, and seemingly more patrons are arriving every moment, the sounds of whooping and hollering echoing along the beach. There's usually some around here that shows up at a time like this, isn't there? No matter, Sheila knows there's no chance to let this end yet.]"KAH. NAH. FUCK. YES. Ahh, that's good shit, pal! Fuck, that fah playen, mate! Oi'd lova ya ta choose a song, but if ya dun wanna, that's orright too! Youse stroik me as a koinda 80s love ballad koinda gal. Maybe a bitta Moiley Onions-rus? Nyeh heh heh. Oi, youse drinken? Oi'll get ya whatever! If ya wanna do anothah doo-wet, lemme know, mate!"
>>19430036"Oi, Shoiny! Uh, shit, lemme see. Ah, 'Good awning, king electrocutor! Ifst thine,' uh, 'Good Goirl Points are su-fish-ant' -- ah, fuck. Mate, if ya wanna pop up, just lemme know, yeah! Watch ya drink, though! Oi, lemme buy ya anothah! Nuffin' worse than a droppa beer that ain't in ya mouf!"