>>927135You pray your hardest, but who knows if anyone's listening. The technician looks up "I think we've almost got it" she says. "Excellent," replies the head scientist, "I can hardly wait to begin!"
>the machine hums on and off for a few moments"I might as well tell you our intentions, not like it matters at this point. Plus, we need to fill the time, huh?" the scientist says excitedly. "I'm proposing an original Arume sexual experiment! ...not that you'd know what that means, since you humans aren't exactly the brightest organisms." she pauses. "To put it simply, genitals as pathetic as yours as especially rare! It would be a huge waste, in my opinion, to fully feminize them. In their natural form, they're already kind of feminized, you see?" she giggles to herself, "Forgive me if I'm being unprofessional! I've devised a program that will only half-feminize you, so to speak. And we'll certainly have to give you some attitude adjustments as well... perhaps some meido training could do you some good?" she muses to herself.
>>92717227, you forcefully grab at her. She shrieks in fear as your hand passes right through her... fazing through her holographic form. Her image shivers in the air for a few moments before dissipating.
The door behind you opens, revealing the commander and the lieutenant, as well as some riot Arumes. "What a show, oh fearsome human warrior..." the commander dryly says. "I thought you'd be pathetic, of course, but I didn't think you'd be this whiny as well." she laughs.
>"I CAN'T FIGHT SOMEONE THAT DOESN'T WANT TO FIGHT ME!"your voice echoes off the intercom. The recording repeats for a couple times as the arume laugh.
>>927151>>92722015 and 02, the guard frowns. "Ugh, of course male humans are not allowed in. It's a pleasure house, not a freakshow. You stupid things will see soon enough, I suppose."