>>16138219>>395400648Junkie? Really? In a cannabis thread? Like cannabis is on the same level of destruction as heroin? Nigger kys.
You presume yourself to be wise enough to grasp it, and you emotionally lash out at the very concept of someone who smokes cannabis displaying such qualities and analytical ability because to you it's impossibru in your reefer madness addled brain.
First off, the fact that it was thematically presented as ancient wisdom should have told you already to take yourself out of your typical box of thinking if you're going to try to understand it. But you, like most do here that act like you, only perceived it through your own immediate lens of perspective which of course is very limited by your own self.
I'm not a jew. I hate jews. I also hate people that behave like jews too. You bit off more than you can ever chew here. Fuck off back to the drawing board DuPont textile shills. I know you're here too along with big pharma. You fallacious cunts get the rope too.