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The Kangz:
A noble and ancient empire, the Kangz can trace their lineage back to the pharaohs of Ancient Egypt. Now, they are one side of a civil war in the nation of Egypt, vying for control over numerous other factions.
The Swiss Empire:
A brutal and tyrannical regime, the Swiss Empire is one of the richest nations in the world. With an extremely xenophobic outlook, they seek to dominate any opposers to their dream of One world, One Switzerland
The Offshore:
A mysterious group of people, not much is known of them, save their name and appearance: ethereal and fair skinned beings more fish like than human.
The Columbine Empire:
Hailing from the New World, the Columbine Empire are descendants of Italians raised in Colombia. Now returned to their homeland, they seek to retake that which they see as rightfully theirs.
The Totirini:
The other major faction in Italia, these are the children of those who remained in Italy. With a distrustfulness of those that seek to take their birth land from them, they have been set on a collision course with the newly arrived Columbine Empire.