>>12332598"Boomer hate threads" are kike trickery.
"Boomers" were people born from 1946 to 1964--this was when jews essentially broke the motion picture code, pushed no-fault divorce, feminism, birth control, abortion, black liberation, gay liberation, transgenderism--much like they did in Weimar Germany. They vastly expanded usury, with an explosion of "easy credit" revolving credit cards, student loans and every longer payment plans for cars. They created the junk bond crisis, the Savings and Loan Crisis, the 1987 stock market crash. They pushed pornography and gambling into the American main stream. They developed the "new world order" and "global war on terror" under the Bushes that off shored our manufacturing economy with global trade deals and "engagement" with China and crippled us with never-ending debt-funded war in the Middle East after we were promised a "peace divided" after the Cold War. They helped get prayer out of schools and pushed the multiculturalism curriculums that led to today's woke world.
This allowed them to create division and demoralization in the most powerful nation in the world after WW2, leaving it open for their manipulation.
The "boomers"? Just a bunch of dumb goyim who wanted to grill.
109 other nations were tricked and exploited like this in history. It just takes time, usually a while, for a nation to figure it out.
Blaming "The Boomers" is falling for jewish tricks, in this case, generational warfare among white Christians.
Tell this kike to fuck off.
Fuck off kike!