>>18640352>[Or maybe not. Sola's phone chimes again, and her heart drops as Mare's name appears. But this was unavoidable Carmody had suggested waiting to talk to Mare in person, and Sola definitely still will, but maybe she should have sent something off sooner.]It was hard to believe how different Mare had become in recent months. The same girl (horse? horsegirl? whatever) that was going to beat up Sola while she was in a coma; the same girl that literally exploded Hailey Britannia; the same girl that lost someone close to her, just like Sola had. It all changed when C.A.M.O. came back. This isn't something that can be fixed with a text message, though. Win, lose, or draw, Sola will march into the locker room and look Mare -- and more importantly, Karna -- in her eyes and work this out.
... but she's going to need Carmody with her. Or maybe an entire posse. Bishamonta, Zuni, Lillith. That alien girl. What happened to her? No, now's not the time.
There are aliens out there, though. Sola knows it.