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I’m not a flat earther, I know the earth is round. For me I don’t need any more proof than the way sunlight behaves on the moon and how the same thing is observed here on Earth and I’ve see flat earthers try to explain it but I’ve never seen a satisfactory answer except for the concave earth one (which isn’t technically flat earth).
Having said all that, I mentioned earlier how skepdicks of flat earth use stuff like pic related as proof of curvature. This isn’t proof of curvature. This is only a few miles where curvature is impossible to observe. This is a horizon mirage just like you see with ships in the distance. Curvature isn’t visible with the naked eye unless you’re like 60k feet in the air. It’s not visible on the horizon. Visible light bends and distorts. I can see the ugly wind turbines lining Lake Huron near Sarnia, ON from over 50 miles away near Lexington, MI. The bases too. Why do skepdicks counter flat earthers with lies like this pic?