>my samurai got thrown into a witchdoctor's hut to bleed out>they didn't bother with the hut because they didn't think it had value>found three healing draughts in it to recover my wounds, plus an enfeebling charm>go out and stab a bandit to death with a chair leg>Event: Plot Thickens>Leader Social>interpret this to mean the leader came out, recognizing my tenacity and agreed to the duel>gives me my equipment back>bandit spectators double cross and fire arrows>one exploding damage die later, my character is incapped and executedYou know what, he's already broken out of captivity twice to kill this guy, I'm gonna use the dhampyr race they packed in the fantasy book and have my boy come back as a revenant. I haven't leveled him or anything yet, so it might as well be a new character.
>>18411242Fucking kek. Deal, but it'll take a while for me to catch up to you.
Better not push yourself to the point of breaking, though.