>>10308482I preffer my eggs omelette (with some kind of meat as a sidevdish) with cottage cheese (with flour and fried in oil you get shtrukli) or just add to my wok mix and let it bind everything... not a big fan of eggs alone
nonononono, the america was a harsh continent that took ages, generations even, to conquer- thus the stronger genes from all the nations had the change to proliferate whilst weak usually died off-
in safe enviroments inbreeding is preffered as it makes sure some of the traits that could accidentally be weeded out stay present
I don't even know my ancestry, it's all speculations
>yes, due to certain metabolic/hormonal illenesses with the kidney women can have excess testosterone which causes beard developement aswell as megaclitorisehh? no they rushed because that's when the poon was the best, menopause hits past 45 and women that didn't give birth by 30 were already in risk of having a downy
note that in just 8 years you could have atleast 4 children so even if you married late (say, 18) by 30 you could easily had 6 kids, and if 4 died you'd have atleast 2 kids left