>>13417443America is a shithole.
Your education system is a joke. Your neighborhoods, soulless & unwalkable. Your taxed to oblivion in America. Your cities are overruned by niggers. Your people, fat, ugly, & dysgenic. I have never seen so many fat ugly people like Americans. Racemixing with spics, niggers, & chinks has turn your people into ugly mutt abominations. Your suburbs, sprawled & unwalkable. You can't get around the cities or suburbs without a car. Your schools look like prisons, that only care about teaching kike propaganda. America is ranked one of the worst educational systems in the world. You are massive niggercucks, nigger lovers, & niggerworshippers. Even your white people emulate niggers. You Americans cucked to BLM & Antifa & did nothing to stop them. They burning down neighborhoods & murdering people, meanwhile your MAGAtards are labelled as "domestic terrorists" when they weren't attacking anyone. You Americans collect guns but don't know how to use them when your own government & corporations are trying to destroy you. Your military bases push globohomo nonstop & allow hoards of foreigners into other nations. You bring your children into public schools where they are taught critical race theory while getting beaten up by niggers. Your boomers destroyed your nation & turned a blind eye to Jewish nepotism, & you wonder why no one want to trade with US dollars & your white race is decreasing
I hate America & I hate Americans. America is the great Satan & the sooner America loses its grip on the world, the better.