>>11375471 >[...] OnE mIghT naIvELY SuPpoSE thAt a nEGAtIVE UtiLitArIan WOUld weLCOMe huMAN ExTiNCTion. bUT ONlY (tRans)hUMaNS – Or OuR poteNTIAL SupERInteLliGENT SUcCESsORS – aRE tECHnIcaLly CAPabLe oF PHAsIng oUt ThE CRUEltiES of THe rEST oF THe LIViNg World On EaRtH. and ONlY (tRAns)HUmANs – Or rAtheR ouR POTeNtIal suPERinTeLLIgeNT sUccEsSorS – arE TeCHnICalLy cApABLE Of aSsUmIng STEwarDShIp of oUR entIRe HuBblE VolUME.