>Yonker's "art">>14865797All the contrary, your existence is completely basic, you are just a privileged male who never had any friends because of being socially incompetent and are so full of yourself you think that's somehow special, you spends hours looking at the wall or mindlessly scrolling through the internet thinking how you could "do so much" if you had the opportunity because you are more intelligent than the rest, when in reality you are a simplistic imbecile that couldn't create anything special. You are a nu-male with emo thoughts who probably listened to depressive music when you were younger and tried to find meaning on post-modern content on the media, you have parents that can support you financially so you don't see any meaning or challenge on earning your bread and life just like any other human being and that will be your demise. You have spent so, sooo much time alone and by yourself, you have created a convoluted world on your own mind and then you stumbled upon 4chan and /bant/ something like 6 months ago (no more than a year in the most optimistical case) where you saw your opportunity of finally "shine", when in reality you'll leave this place even more empty than before. You are NOT special or unique and everyday you fill a little bit more, the hearts of your parents, with dissapointment.
The only thing that's interesting about you, is you are almost an exact replica of yonkers. It cannot be a coincidence that 2 "human" beings with almost exact existences found themselves on the same place on the internet.