Quoted By:
>anime: autists, trannies, open source code, paganism, master morality, developed amygdalas, cute girls
>anti-anime: radical feminists, boomer conservatives, conspiracy theorists, judeo-christian morality, anarcho primitivists
I've made my choice, of the lesser ''''''evil''''''.
You have lost your roots. You have infected a place that was once a grand and powerful republic.
You did not understand it, and you ruined it.
Two roads diverged in a wood and you took the one more traveled, and have become what you swore to fight.
There is a dialectic, and you chose unwisely. You let a group of people that is less than 0.003% of the population poison your own well, our of disgust or fear or insanity.
This tool will not work for you because you don't understand how it was made.
You do not belong on 4chan.