>>20709346>Not according to your ADHD and autismI'm more than just my adhd and autism.
>Maybe you have the drive and focus. You literally read a book once and wrote a harmony to a bossa nova melody you probably dictated. I could NEVER pull off shit like that.I read several books. Also dictating melody just comes with practice. The more I did it the better I got at it. I would say it also improved my sensitivity to pithes. Hell I know two different songs that begin on the same pitch. How is your brain ever going to improve at identifying colours if you never go out there naming the different colours.
>Like I said, I am not fit for my job as a language tutor. I am just starting and just have competency and some fluency in the languages I want to teach.Lack of internalised vocabulary. I have been learning Japanese for years. I read pic related for 20 mins everyday atleast.Sometimes I have done that for an hour. Every time I see a kanji/word I don't know I look it up and slowly, but surely I internalise more words and kanjis.
People who say you can't get fluent in japanese are bullshiting, it just requires an insane amount of willpower.
>And yet, because I can manage a bit of conversation with the right people, I've got people banging on my door asking if I can come teach. In your opinion, does this make me some kind of scammer/liar/fraud? To me sounds normal. The more you work as a language tutor the better you will be I suppose. In way you are directly improving as a language tutor than just knowing the language. t. You aren't a scammer it's normal to be crap at the beginning. Experience takes time. I'm just mad over people who don't bother at all is what I mean. Years that could be spent gaining experience thrown down the drain because the person in question consistently chooses the lazy way out