Quoted By:
Wesley Clark, Ret. Army Gen.(D-Arkansas)-----Alien-human hybrid
Howard Dean, Fmr. Gov.(D-Vermont)-----Alien w/ very high connections to dark agenda
John Edwards, U.S. Senator(D-North Carolina)-----Human, wow!
John Kerry, U.S. Senator(D-Massachusetts)-----Reptilian?other than main agenda
Dennis Kucinich, Congressman(D-Ohio)-----Reptilian
Joe Lieberman, U.S. Senator(D-Connecticut)-----Reptilian leader
Al Sharpton, Civil Rights Activist(D-New York)-----Artificial intelligence w/ negative agenda
Warren Ashe (D-Virginia)-----Alien/human hybrid
Donald Award (D-Connecticut)
Katherine Bateman (D-Illinois)----High level reptilian/human hybrid
Jerry Beck (D-Missouri)
Sanderson Beck (D-California)-----Alien (other type) w/ very dark agenda
Jim Bollinger (D-Indiana)
Harry Braun (D-Arizona)
Willie Carter (D-Texas)-----Reptilian-alien morph
Patrick Cazneau (D-California)
Jeanne Chebib (D-DC)-----Clone of alien/human hybrid
Randy Crow (D-North Carolina)
Gerry Dokka (D-Georgia)
John Estrada (D-Nevada)-----Artificial intelligence
Susan Fey (D-Colorado)
Mildred Glover (D-Georgia)
Al Hamburg (D-Wyoming)
Vincent Hamm (D-Colorado)-----Reptilian/human hybrid
Amanda Lou Hardy (D-DC)
Ken Hill (D-South Carolina)
Arthur Jackson Jr. (D-DC)
Alfonzo Jones (D-New York)-----Reptilian, leadership trainee
Caroline Killeen (D-Pennsylvania)
Lyndon LaRouche (D-Virginia)-----Reptilian leader of very high status
Glenn Leaverton (California)
R. Randy Lee (D-New York)
Robert Linnell (D-New Hampshire)
Sherry Meadows (D-Texas)-------------------Alien-controlled
Grady Dean Mollenhour Jr. (D-New York)
Fred Ogin (D-Oregon)-----------------------Alien/human hybrid
Fern Penna (D-New York)
James Prattas (D-Hawaii)
Ole Savior (D-Minnesota)-----Clone of alien/human hybrid
Vermin Supreme (D-Massachusetts)
Craig Sharp (D-Texas)-----Human w/ very dark agenda, alien-controlled
Evelyn Vitullo (D-Arizona)-----Reptilian energy form on a human, other controlled