>>17834935>Are some languages objectively superior to others? If so then by what metrics?Well you're asking a very complicated question here.
Not going to go into Objecive VS Subjective.
Or Fact VS Opinion.
But yes, there can objectively be some languages that are better than others.
Example of Objective/Factual metrics :
- Some languages are easier to learn how to speak than others
- Some languages are easier to learn how to write than others
- Some languages have a wider vocabulary, more words mean.
Let's just take the last one : More words.
To put it simply : More words = More ideas, potentially.
I'll give extreme examples.
Some african languages or others like Australian aboriginals, lack entire verbal concepts.
Like The Future or "making a promise".
What this means is that some languages from very primitive cultures are lacking a lot of Abstract Concepts, like I said, making a promise to someone or planning for the future.
See Pic Related.
Pic related is the point I'm trying to make.
If you're comparing Spanish, to Portuguese, to English, to French, to German..... the differences are not that visible, words often are the same between languages from the same tree, like Germanic and Latin basd languages.
But if you compare Western languages to primitive african languages, then it's clear as day that yes there is scientifically/linguisticly quantifiable metrics that make them superior or inferior to the others.
Don't forget to read pic related. It's from an anon that detailed how primitive some african languages are.