Can anyone explain to me why redskin Indians deserve fuck all anything from honest working people?
Anonymous ID:rtPRnt+w No.1569354 View ViewReport Quoted By:
Let's be completely honest /bant/, those fucking redskins don't deserve anything. They sit around on their asses, they're allowed to have casinos because they have no real skill sets, all they do is grow pot and drink themselves to death, and they constantly produce bad kids that then go to public school. Because what, "human rights"? They lost fair and square, and lost because they were extremely underdeveloped compared to our 15th-18th century ancestors. They got conquered just like how the Spanish, the Ottomans, Romans, and Mongols, but nobody asks for compensation from them. So why the absolute fuck, do they deserve a constant income that they don't have to work for, or have non-federal land that they can get all menstrual about when people merely want to hike on it?
tl;dr, "Native Americans" fucking suck and they're honestly far worse than blacks.
*pic related, plague to the Americas