>>10727084ok branson definitely is one of them. apparently since branson created with clintons ICMEC human trafficking in the caribbeans increased 300%
"- 1978 Ricard Branson buys Necker Island for $180,000. It was listed for $6,000,000.
- Founding of the Clinton Foundation in 1997. Jeffrey Epstein as a key figure in its creation.
- 1998 Jeffrey Epstein purchases Little Saint James Island.
- Aruba was top on the list for drug and sec trafficking but in 1999 then President Clinton removed it from the government list of top drug and sex trafficking locations.
- 1999 ICMEC was founded with Hillary Clinton as a key Board member and Richard Branson as the lead sponsor. Trafficking up 300% since inception.
- 2002 – 2005 (public record) Bill Clinton makes various trips to Little Saint James Island.
- 2006 Bill Clinton founded the Clinton Climate Initiative. Many of the key figures from the Clinton Foundation and the Clinton Climate have ties to The Rocky Mountain Institute, The Carbon War Room and the previous administrations of Clinton and Obama.
- 2006 David Copperfield purchases Musha Cay.
- 2009 Carbon War Room was founded. Richard Branson as a founding member.
- Creation of The Ten Island Challenge in 2012. According to their site, the only real progress has been the panels installed on Necker Island. The island owned by Richard Branson.
- 2015 The Breakthrough Energy Coalition was founded by Bill Gates. Key Board members include: David Rubenstein Co-Founder of the Carlyle Group, Chris Hohn founder of the Child Investment Fund, Michael Bloomberg, Richard Branson and Jeff Bezos to name a few.
So we now have unlimited access and limited oversight to the very islands that are the logistical hubs for trafficking drugs, money, weapons and people. The people involved in this initiative are the Clintons and Richard Branson with a cast and crew of names we would all know and the connections are scary."