Quoted By:
/bant/ers, I have a problem.
>me in highschool
>boring, uninteresting, socialize only when i have to, always reading some book
>Chad approach with his typical group
>,,Hey there Anon! You look great! Listen man, i realize we live close to each other! Thats great, you don't have to wait to bus in morning anymore, I'll take you by car!
>,,Yea sure Chad, thanks, I'll be by your place in morning.''
>I thought this was obvious trap and lame joke
>but it wasn't
>he took me to school and by that time he's talking to me everyday
>not just him but his all Chad-group stopped seeing me as creep
>he doesn't want anything in favor back, nothing what so ever
>this has been happening for month atleast
I'm confused robots. He is planning something. It is just not natural for guy like Chad to be kind and enjoy company of someone like me. What should I do?