>>18641036How about stop believing extremes. White people aren't extreme, they don't live up to stereotypes. No one does. They do in movies and tv, because that's entertainment, and those tropes deceive silly people who go and think it's real. Silly people also includes the rest of the world watching American stuff, so they think they need to immigrate to America where all that shit is allegedly happening. Then they realize before it is too late and they can't leave America, after they immigrate.
Nobody drinks all the pasteurized homogenized milk. It's too toxic, most people who buy it will only use it for cooking or drinking in small amounts or they have other ways to use it.
Raw milk is still the only best and good milk that there is, but the government has removed it from stores entirely, and corporations went along with it because they can make more money for watered down milk that lasts longer. Capitalism is the devil, and Satan in this case, when it means the complete banning of raw milk for humans. But God warned you this would happen, the sin and the machinification of human beings to a tyranical system that doesn't care for life or the wellbeing of people. A dark and grim future of death and damnation.
There is still organic milk products out there though. They suck but they are better than the mainstream versions. Then there is non-homogenized versions, but still pasteurized.
If you want to expose Jews as fake, all you have to do is bring up where is the raw milk in the stores if you are a real Jew? Where is God? Is there a God? If there is no raw milk then there is no God. Sorry, you are a fake and a fraud. Simple as.
This is called Spiritual War, and I make War with spiritual darkness and the devil and Satan to his face. I make war every day with Satan because God's Word is a spiritual weapon and it just automatically moves you to battle just by reading it and knowing about milk and honey.