>>410116105What are you doing quoting a heretical bible? Do you not know the very scripture you corrupt? Paul told us to hold to 3 things to be sure of true teaching? I’m sure you aren’t aware of what they are because if you did you wouldn’t use a bible made by a murderous adulterous king that was penned less than 500 years ago. Paul tells us to hold to scripture (prots would get that right if they didn’t use a heretical bible) tradition and the teachers of the church. Now I’m sure you know that the Bible wasn’t penned in English, so we must go to the source Greek material. Teacher translates to magistrati, and the Catholic Church has the scripture (penned in 2nd century and the council of Nicaea, the first compiled bible which was NOT KJV and included what you wrongly call the apocrypha). One accusation of prots is that Catholics hold to tradition too much (because scripture tells us to). We also have a body of the Church call the Magisterium. So the three requirements are there in Catholicism, but certainly not Protestantism. Pray for a full conversion, heretic.