Quoted By:
>be me
>horny 11 year old retard
>decide to use comp to see lesbian porn
>its pretty good ngl
>Close windows, open youtube, go to piss
>come back, mom is at the computer
>uh oh
>anon, are you watching this?
>she proceeds to pull up the lesbian porn
>"Uh, no" I say
>she starts lecturing me about how these aren't how real women look and that porn is sexist
>meanwhile my little sister, roughly 5, has wandered into the room and is just staring at the lesbians making out
>years later, she comes out as gay
>tfw mom made sister gay
>tfw no one is in house I am scared of jerking off
>years later she denies ever doing it still
What formative live experiences have you had anons?