>>13491507Nice prepared pics, you utter obvious useful idiots faggot. You can go cry croc tears to your fellow glownigger soifags in huffpost editorial board for next story about how EBIL the Russians are while huffing your own bullshit.
Sum of All Fears scenario will not come to pass. You will get washed out by the fucking lol tsunami before that ever happens.
You got your ass handed to you in kabul when you thought your treasonous asses could make deals with the chinese and their puppets to split afghan drug profits, and you still haven't fucking learned your lessons.
You deserve to get washed out like deranged filth dragging everyone else down with your CIA/state department kneeling marxist faggotry and rainbow flag flying in kabul sort of idiocy.
You fuckers are an embarrassment to man and a fucking disgrace and traitors to our Republic larping around in j.crew gear trying to entrap Patriotic Americans, even calling us same as taliban.
You don't even know what reality you really serve.
Go fuck yourselves.