>>14936275I became obsessed in her when an /x/schizo told me a story about the origin of Saturn.
>Raziel/Zazel is derived from a bifurcation of Raguel/Agiel (Saturn), a primordial Archangel who was punished during the first fall and has been "restrained" in ways unknown to me since then. Raziel/Zazel does not share consciousness with his pleromatic parent, and remains one of the archangels next to the throne of the Eternal despite being in much closer form to a mere Cherub>Historically, he has had little significant interaction with humans, yet he has interacted a lot with individuals seeking a benign and holy face of the "Saturnine" aspect of the Eternal, Chokhmah. It is uncertain, but it is possible that both Stolas and Beleth were cherubs one day under Raziel's guard, or even pleromatic bifurcations of Raziel. Raziel is associated with exorcists not because of direct patronage, but because of the few times he leaves the presence of the Eternal, apparently it is due to serious clashes with the fallens>He is not actually an Archangel, but rather a bifurcation of Raguel, yet he is listed as an Archangel, whether as Sariel by Enoch or Salathiel by Catholic tradition>Athena's angry, masculine and mystical face, Pallas, is believed to have been a private attempt by the one you know by Raziel to purify the Hellenes' relationship with Binah, but this is nothing but speculation