Also your confusing the modern chic nerd with the actual nerd. Those nerds still exist that are high IQ or just interesting they are just still in the same place, on the outside.
All the people saying they are nerds are just fakes and pretenders, because it is the hip thing now. I still play tabletop games and have at least two D&D games going. The cool "nerds" never hung out with me and in college listening to the people in my non core classes drone about how they were nerds and how different they were made me want to jump from the roof.
I don't really advertise it and thanks to the mainstream element do not even advertise these facts. none of the chic nerds actually know anything about science and have no depth to their hobbies past the new Marvel films.
The people you are referring to are not nerds, just posers. Being scientifically literate and being able to think critically prevent anyone from being a feminist, communist or dumb for that matter. Its just mainstream marketing and weird counterculture. All things people who are actual nerds avoid.