Finally, the long time fraud of Anne Frank’s diary was publicly admitted by the Anne Frank Foundation.
>Anne Frank’s diary was co-authored by her father and thus the credibility of the diary ultimately comes to an end.>The official admissions from the Anne Frank Foundation, and the evidence of two distinct handwritings: The Basel, Switzerland, Anne Frank Fonds (Anne Frank Fund), which controls the copyright to the Diary of Anne Frank, has admitted that the book was in fact at least co-authored by Otto Frank, Anne’s father, after the war.>The admission proves that the book, which is still heavily promoted as a “holocaust memoir”, is in fact largely a post-war fabrication which contained parts of the young Anne’s diary with extensive additions added by her father.This is obvious from even a cursory look at the actual diary.
>See, for example, this image, which shows both Anne’s real youthful handwriting and her father’s obviously adult handwriting, although he signs his entries in her 'diary' as “Anne Frank.”>Normal copyright on books extends only 70 years after the author’s death.>As Anne Frank died of typhus in Bergen Belsen in February 1945, the book theoretically entered the public domain in February 2015.>But, as the New York Times went on to say, "the Anne Frank Fonds has now decided to try to extend copyright on the book past the 70 year cut-off period by admitting that Otto Frank, who died in 1980, was indeed a “co-author” after all."