>>6331085omg yes.
>Be me>be 21>lady friend takes me first (and only) strip club for bday>hit it off w/ a stripper>inb4 degenerate>she tells me she's gonna have a smoke in her back seat>Asks me to join>I say I don't smoke>she says she doesn't either *wink wink*>start heading out the back together>she casually drops that she's Jewish>FML>be 22>hit it off with chick at festival>she invites me back to her place>I ask about a picture of her parents>she casually drops that she's Jewish>GOD DAMN FML>be 24>working in WTC in Dallas>buddy tells me about foreign chicks who put out hoping to trap a man>shows me pictures>GD they're hot>at his house, partying with said hotties>lounging on couch>2-1 girl-to-guy ratio>feeling up hottie under her dress>buddy asks where they're from again>ISRAEL>...>F>M>L>be 26>hit it off w/ girl at bar>holding hands out the bar>so where did you got to Schule, Anon?>lol I'm not Jewish I just speak German and have a beard...>wait>Are you Jewish m'lady?>lol yeah, Anon, aren't you? >rage>be 28>lonely>be on Tinder>meet up with hottie and have a really nice night>take her home>literally in the bed>say something in Spanish>lol I'm not Mexican, Anon>oh, what are you?>I'm Sephardic >a Jew>>Holy>Fucking>Shit>...>Just ay I feel sick and roll over >Never call her againThis has been a thing my whole life where I have zero Jewdar and end up falling for Zydowka
I have never, ever fucked one though despite coming dangerously close