>>21886276>which then get passed along if they're beneficial / incidental.Its not added, the entire trait line is being shortened regardless and will inevitably end up becoming a shallow pool of genes that can barely support itself.
Radiation is proof of entropy directing steering natural selection. It attacks cells and while it may instill positive changes, these positives are not universal. Therefore nothing has actually been added because it's not universally beneficial to the creature in question. Thats the lie that keeps making biologists stumble. They think that because a creature has adapted to an environment that it's suited to survive, it isn't. The environment itself is dying, albeit in a slow way, nothing has changed to effect the outcome, nevertheless you also have to address that genes have yet to resist the common destruction of age with telomere decay, which again, is a clear sign of the curse from the Garden of Eden.
God has marked creation and your flesh with destruction, and will subsequently deal with both of them in relative time. It's why the book promises you a new body, and those who live to the end of the age when God takes the current body of believers out, they will luck out and not see death at all. Which is probably VERY SOON.
I want to point out that you should consider the implications of Spiritual being a lay term for trans-dimensional. All of the miracles in the book can be explained for a perspective that assumes a position "outside" the context of 4 dimensions with a consideration of an infinitely powerful being
Lastly, don't fall for deterministic thinking, atheists commonly confuse intent with knowledge and believe that God destined them to go to hell, when Christ said after he would be raised up that he should draw ALL MEN to him. Countering the quote commonly place out of context by kikes to infer Calvinistic thinking that God will only allow those he chooses to believe, "No man comes to me unless given by my Father."