>>825888 (You)Nice trips.
>>!Q45Lrq1fzI (ID: pmK9UWkg) 05/31/17(Wed)10:53:32 No.825820▶
>>82583Anonymous (ID: YK771AFL) 05/31/17(Wed)10:54:50 No.825832▶
>>825848File: a3c78e82a93a37aeddad05cf8(...).jpg (33 KB, 320x413)
33 KB
>>825820Anon, did we potentially uncover a path towards the people that are running our world?
>>!Q45Lrq1fzI (ID: pmK9UWkg) 05/31/17(Wed)10:56:00 No.825848 ▶
>>825882>>825832You have no idea as t
>>Anonymous (ID: eW5iPLkw) 05/31/17(Wed)10:56:41 No.825861 ▶
>>825482do you not know who your talking to, if the need / want arises we will consume this board- how new are you, buttfucker
>>Anonymous (ID: f+J+r3Io) 05/31/17(Wed)10:57:33 No.825872 ▶
>>825820It's too long, we knew about this since last year, but no one cared until someone managed to decipher some codes from the weird comments
See my pasta
>>825342>>Anonymous (ID: YK771AFL) 05/31/17(Wed)10:58:09 No.825882 ▶
>>825848Is this supposed to be proof of Christianity or am I just high?
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Anonymous (ID: eW5iPLkw) 05/31/17(Wed)10:58:46 No.825891 ▶
God bless you anon, been with you along the way - also have hardrive backups - this is BIG, and I will not rest until we get to the bottom of this shit.
thank you