The covid gene therapy injection is the Mark of the Beast as shown through several ways, such as the translations of charagma/charax and pharmakeia.
"Mark" in the concordance comes out to charax = "a pointed stake, a palisade", the exact terms that would have been used in the 1st century to describe a hypodermic needle.
The Bible indicates that almost the whole last generation alive, which according to Jesus will be those that sees the creation of the modern state of Israel, will be "deceived" into taking the Mark through "pharmakeia", the root word for "pharmaceutical". Hence, we have a clear scriptural indication that the Mark will be a form of medicine delivered through something shaped like a pointed stake or palisade on a fence.
Furthermore, the vaccine contains "Luciferase", which is obviously the name of the Beast. Look into Microsoft patent #060606, and the picture becomes clear. Nowhere in the Bible does it say we will know it is the Mark, on the contrary, Revelation 19:20 reads:
"And the beast was taken...he DECEIVED them that had received the mark of the beast"
The gene therapy injection is the Mark because it literally changes you out of the image of God. Jesus did not shed his blood for transhumans that modified their DNA. He will say to those: depart from me, I never knew you.
Let's take a look at the rider on the white horse, wearing a "crown" (corona), and carrying a "bow". Interestingly enough, "bow" in the concordance translates to the Greek word "toxon", meaning "poison arrow", another striking congruence with a syringe.
You were warned, anons. Dont take it. Repent! For the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. For the full 60 or so pages outlining the case for the gene therapy injection being the Mark, a .pdf of my book can be found here: Or here: