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My dad's Jewish, and I mostly inherited my mom's nordic looks, but I still have a Jewish last name (and first name if "Ben" is considered Jewish) which fucking sucks.
Despite having a massive grasp over fucking everything, every Jew, without exception, goes motherfucking ballistic over any "anti-semitism" like they're an oppressed minority or some shit. How do they not realize this is why people like the ones on /pol/ say the shit they do about them?
I'm honestly fine with most people, even the majority of Muslims (yes i know full well muslims as a whole have caused way more destruction than any other religion), but I fucking hate this shit. I can't even stop being a Jew because according to everyone, it's a race. I'm an agnostic atheist ffs
Like, there are plenty of people of other races who aren't "like the others," like plently of black people criticize BLM and side with police, but even the "conservative" or whatever jews get completely assblasted over holocaust jokes and cry anti-semitism all the fucking time. I'm so sick of this shit. I'd rather be anything but a fucking kike.
I scored in the 99th percentile on the SAT (without any sort of prep classes or tutoring), and am acing computer science (at a cheap state school), but even if I'm successful I'm just providing more evidence that Jews control everything. There's no way out.