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Far from the WWA arena, away from the crowds and without a microphone, Ava Mortis stands in the forest alone with her thoughts
>Who does dat bitch tink she is talking to me like I'm some kind of a joke? "You talk like a vampire, Ava" she says in dat hillbilly redneck vhite trash accent
>I'm de fahking queen of hardcore, not some Twilight vampire pussy
>Goddamn fahking Americans, dumb as pigs. Vhy'd I have to come here?
>"Ava your fahder got a job at de Norvegian embassy in Vashington, D.C. Ve're moving to America"
>Fantastic, I get to live in a tird-vorld gangland shithole filled vit obese, brain-dead goblins so dat dad can serve his masters from our useless fahking government, couldn't take a job in somevhere cool like Iceland I guess. At least ve still get de summer trips to Trøndelag, or I'd probably kill myself
>"Oh but you'll like it Ava, ve'll live in dis nice little suburban town and ve'll send you to dis fancy private school and den you can go to university to get a degree and" blah blah blah blah blah
>"Ve just vant you to have enough opportunities, Ava"
A crooked smile cracked across Ava's face as she recalled her mother's words
>Ja, mamma, I found myself an "opportunity", but it vasn't to slave avay in a boring job all my life like you. No, I had an opportunity to become de greatest hardcore wrestler in de vorld, and I took it! I have fame, glory, I am a champion, and it's all because I never listened to YOU!
Ava takes a few heavy breaths to compose herself. She looks down at the pentagram she's drawn in the ground and lights the candles placed at each of the 5 points
>Dat bitch tinks I'm just a joke? I'll make her take me seriously. I'll make her see just how powerful I really am
>Vhen I step in dat ring, Cassie Maverick vill DIE!