>>11861872 >bored of daki
I don't follow, sure I'll be hyped by the time I get it but after that it would serve the purpouse I bought it for (that being huggy pillow I can sleep comfy with)
for now I have to sleephugging my mister bunny rabbit, I was hoping I'd find a model like his so I could retire the poor soul as it would break my heart if I accidentally tore him myself
>like her looksdepends, average looking girks are already in ok in my book (as long as they look average without makeup), thing is there aren't any even average looking seiso girls my age; helk the few girls that are genuine smart are upper class white collar daughters that had several boyfriends in past and could only shit on me
worst of both worlds, I spent ages looking for them only to find out I was destined to die alone, I had a brief moment if opportunity between 2016 and 2017 but I was too busy getting drunk and planning to kill myself to take the opportunity
>>11861875yeah well it doesn't matter as all I've seen from your posts about older women is roseglass cherrypicking objectification
women aren't objects, not even older ones, they don't partain to a certain models, you followed a specific type and fell for the trap that all older women are like that
they aren't, I met numerous old women that were immature as heck, that you couldn't talk to even for a minute because they don't understand base rule of logics, they can't wrap their minds around sylogisms, they can't understand how past times weren't exactly better in every sense