>>20003039here's what I remember well enough in the simplest way I can explain it. pic from dr, grisely a long departed drawfag
>kot spamthe was a when people would spam kot day in day out in search for the id
>The Kagari rape of 2000000cirno took the 2000000 get defeating the dutch toothpaste kagari(the from re:write) for the final time thus cementing her place as queen of r/banter
>Korbo vs Alicebasically just korbo starting a shitfight with alice3D, a woman who would do 3DIRL cooking a therapy threads, because he wanted her attention and love. he was also manipulating and using him as a lap dog at the same time too. this saga still hasn't ended.
>The PD vs Kiwi Courtcasea kiwi gayposter was convinced to shave his legs and posted his bare legs. the teenaged plague doctor larping anti-gayposter, PD, noticed and put gaywi on trail, the verdict was that posting shaved legs is "a little gay"
>Pepsi bota bump bot with a south korean flag that was used by the cirno bump cult
>PD getting doxedPD breaks into an art exhibition and destroys an abstract art piece and sprays a bunch of shit with a fire extinguisher, posting the whole act in real time and then flees two young niggers to play D&D. normie found the location of the theater where the exhibition was to be held and called the police and squealed like a bitch. PD got arrested and is canonically BLACK also he had to take abstract art lessons as a way of apologizing.
>quality threadsthis never happened
>The antigay wavebasically a war between anti-gayposters and gayposters c.2017-2020