Quoted By:
>be me
>blond hair blue eyed southerner
>according to Varg I’m mostly white
>have 3 kids by age 30
>unknowingly preserving the white pheno type
>all girls (not 3 boys but at least I’m contributing and they are mostly white)
>divorced by 32
>buy sick chad audi
>fuck lots of 23 year old trim
>get pad with great pool
>feels good
>pursue grad degree at 35
>have to descend to part time
>have to sell house with pool
>have to sell sick chad audi
>25 year old trim vaporized
>ex-wife moves and buys nice house with bf
>have to move into shitty one bedroom
>kids only visit every other weekend
>barely passing courses
>fighting for the existence of the white race on /pol/
>drive shitty 98 nissan sentra
>will finish in December
>feels meh