>>20882450if you had a daughter you're still not doing everything right. You need to get your diet, exercise, and connection with your partner (intimately) in check. The man 100% decides the sex of the child at conception and unfortunately it looks like you didn't do everything you could. Better luck next time.
>t. 100% son rateAs for the other stuff, great job and congratulations. Do not let your wife work. If there's one piece of advice I can give you it's DO NOT LET HER WORK. Her job should be maintaining the house, feeding the family, supporting you so that you can continue to excel in your job and provide more and more. If you are given the ability to focus on your work and career 100% you will be able to give them everything. Money is the j*ws game but you have to play their game to win.
>t. lost my job when my wife was pregnant, was making 115k when she gave birth, she stayed home, now making over quadruple that amount with a business I startedMake sure your child never gets a vaccination, do not let your wife take her to the doctor alone, they make you sign a paper that says you're a murderer basically and try excessively hard to guilt you into it. Since you had a daughter I am sure this will work on your wife (just basing this on what I know about people who have daughters) so you need to make SURE that you do not let her go there alone.
t. doctors have stormed out of the room angry when I hold up my hand and say "I'm not having this conversation with you, just get the paper, dude"
Do not let your child have any artificial dyes, hfcs, pasteurized or homogenized milk as they get older. Limit exposure to grains. Remember, it takes 12 tries on average to introduce a child to a new food. Candy and sweets are TREATS for special occasions (excluding potty training, as Pavlovian training works best here) but getting your shit and piss into a little bowl is quite the special occasion after doing it in your pants for 18 months.
Good luck! Pic related.