>>12476145Same Anon.
He provided and we never wanted for anything: except a father.
Never taught me a single thing except to be fearful around him and to have zero self confidence because he would punish the slightest failure of a child with disproportionate rage.
Now today I feel like half a man. I lack skills that most men take for granted. I’ve done my best to learn and excel at what I can, but I still feel insufficient.
There is such a massive gap - not just generational - but of all things manly, that our fathers created between us and the rest of our ancestors. Every one of them passed down knowledge, skills, behaviour and wisdom to their kids. Except for the Boomers who just assumed society would give their kids everything just like it had given them everything and they just had to sit back and let it happen. Despite their selling their society up the River for a few more comfortable years while their children grow up as serfs in their own homelands.
All we can do is go forward. Have a family and children of your own. Mend the break. Bridge the divide and ensure your line continues qualitatively. Teach and cherish your children so they can go forward themselves, better men.