Quoted By:
[Giuseppe Carbonara Primary School]
>Remember kids, words have consequences
>Callin' someone a nasty name can cause just as much pain as hittin' 'em over the head with a brick
>You there, fatty in the back row, I bet the other kids pick on you all the time
>Prolly call ya tubster, or pork an' beans, or waddle waddle thunder bum, amirite?
>Hurts, don't it?
>Now 'spose you kids got a couple a' pals from the future, what do you call 'em?
>I tell ya what you DON'T call 'em
>We don't call 'em clock-hoppers, or watch jockeys, or Chron[censored]s
>You go around usin' words like that an' you'll get in big trouble just like me
>Those are hurtful, hate slurs that you should never use
>Least not in public