Rundown on the ethnicities
Shemites=Indo Europeans that moved into Europe (and in lesser degree across the world) after Babel
>>20088737 >>20088738One of these groups moved into the Levant, that became known as Israel
>>20088711 >>20088712 >>20088713 >>20088714Modern Kikes (Christ killers) are Edomites
>>20088687 >>20088689 >>20088690Edomites are a mix of Esau, twin brother of Jacob, and Canaanites. Among the Canaanites were the Kennites, traditionally assumed to be descendents of Cain (due to their name sharing etymological roots). Cain is heavily implied to be of the serpent
>>20088749 >>20088750 and so when Jesus called the Pharisee "children of the devil" and "a brood of vipers" he may was entirely literal.
Now its argued that Cains line would have died in the flood, for this there are a few issues to adress.
Traditionally it was assumed the Kennites (a group of the Canaanites) are descendents of Cain as their name shares the etymological root.
We here in Numbers that the Nephillim survived in Canaan, later we hear of the Anakim and Rephaim (Like Goliath) too being around, being a group of the nephillim. If they made it Cains line also had a chance somehow.
It is said Noah was perfect in his generation (which i take as genetic purity as his rightousness is stated additionally), same isnt said about his wife, his children or any of the childrens wife and mixing before the flood was one great reason for it so we can assume the others had a form of verious admixture explaining how from one couple the many races could develop from. Sometimes, rarely, you get events of twin being born with one being black and another white, iirc even monozygotic twins. One being born male and another female too isnt unheared of. Likewise through the admixture the "extinct" line could be born again in such a fashion, in this case through Ham. all ways in arguments that the line could have prevailed.