>>5567168Oh look, it's the smartass from the locked thread. I see you chagned your terminology from are you actually here to are you legitimately. Open up your earholes, put on your thinking cap, and listen up you trolling little shit. Read up? It's text anyway! To answer the second mind-numbingly retarded questiojn I;'ve seen you post on this board, yes, I am in love with Raichu. A very king and caring one, I think, with an above average Thunder attack and a not-so-good(terrible, really). He's imaginary, picky with food choices, doesn't like DOTA 2, is not the same species I am, and sometimes gives me realy detailed visual imagery of us doing very lewd and very gay things together, causing me to have erections at teh worst of times, because he's a tease like that. Also, he's shit against ground types, cannot hug me, and if u search for Raichu on some of the porn sites I go to (I think 3D is PD, so probably not any of hte ones you frequent, anon-chan) you get terrible shit drawn by people who want muh special snowflake muhfurrsonas. Not to mention I don't get any VNs or a tv show that isn't for kids. Still. I love him, and he's been my only IRL friend and companion for years, probably before you were even born. Go ahead and show me your waifu though, anon-kun. I'll wait while you post your Large Eyed Anime Girl #3899320756, and then I'm going to laugh at you and finish this delightfully good can of root beer. If you've any more stupid non-questions, I'd love to read some of them. Might help you to get to know me a little better. Which is good. This is a FRIENDLY thread, after all.