>>12759872During 2017-2018/2019
From very begging two parties began settling in bant
And racial tensions began to grow
First cirnoids began to built their influence here as well as Frogposters
Also some other """bant"""" memes came along they were loyal to cirnoids
Frogposters were on other hand were also preparing for a meme war that will influence bant history for some time.
Both sides committed war crimes but cirnoids and their puppets were a bit more successful due to drawfag power they had
And kekistan suffered some loses in that war
But Frogposters were also giving some fight
To the cirnoids that were the spam of cirno threads
On cirno day 9 Sep 2019
The day of lake was the most disgraceful the most degenerate day
Cirnoids were spamming the board and raping the living shit out of it
And so do Frogposters
And then that thread came along
https://archive.nyafuu.org/bant/thread/8700931/#8700931Jannies abused their power and banned every pepeposter and frogposter alike
Which proves that otaku faggots are pussies and can't fight.
So they can use corruption to get their way
And now here we are today