>>12007029Nobody gives a fuck if you wants to call it GNU/Linux. What did I just tell the other guy about not being autistic? Do you realize how retarded that name combination is? Normies are already fucking useless when it comes to computers and your autistic inability to realize the fact that GNU lost the name recnogition branding a LOOOONG time ago is not making it easier, infact it makes it less likely that a person with a functioning brain MIGHT take up Linux because you are intentionally making it more confusing because god forbid Richard Stallman the toe skin eater (disgusting human btw) does not get his dick sucked 24/7. Trademark "generization" is a thing, and you lost it hard to the point where in the public eye the only thing GNU is recognized for is the GNU GPL. LOL.
And no, normies cannot do shit when it comes to fixing computers (and Linux breaks often). Why do you think people can charge them 50 usd a hour?
You will always end up at the fucking terminal to fix shit with a Linux installation because zero standards, this is the dark side of open source anything: everyone has their own way of doing shit and standards are mere recommendations at best. Unless you know how to use a terminal you are screwed, and normies don't care about learning anything. The only time I will call anyone for anything is if it's a emergency and I need it fixed immediatly, and it is the only acceptable time too.
Windows just works with whatever shit they have bought. Also I don't pay for the license so I don't give a fuck either. The normietard pays for the license.
Other than that, I have no desire to shell out hundreds of dollars for something I can easily do myself.
I'd go as far as to argue that normies have no souls, they are NPC's. A charade. Non human. You look them in the eye and all I see is a void.
I'm out of this autistic thread. Keep whining about GNU/Linux term and how sad y'all are because retard normies won't suck your Tux.
>>12007022I'll consider it.