>>9231880Satan was never a cherub, archangel, or anything like that, that is a straight up myth and misinterpretation of Isaiah 14 if you read it without context. Satan, the Serpent, Abaddon, is a force that works FOR God tempting souls, the same way Death is here to take them, that's how he separates the good creation from the bad one, the light from the dark.
There was never a rebellion in heaven, just one on earth from God's sweetheart king Nebuchadnezzar, read on it; the events depicted in Revelations are also not a fight for the throne, it is God finally putting an end to this part of the plan. After He has tested everyone, Satan and Death are finally destroyed along with the bad souls because they serve no purpose anymore.
A new kingdom is installed where Jesus and God will rule over it, that's why God is so adamant about people understanding what is right and what is wrong, His state will live by His word and morals, this new chapter of life cannot be spoiled by sin.
That's the meaning of everything going on here, life is a forever ongoing class with a forever ongoing test, and every single thing here works like a clock or a perfect puzzle to teach human souls that listen closely what is the path to join him in the next step of evolution/existence.
Look at how much fucking life there is exclusively on this planet, this is an 8D being creation in a 3D realm. He enjoys how simple yet so complex we are, do you not understand all of this?
Forget about the church and any institutions, they are corrupted, read the word and meditate on God and he will reveal himself to you in meaning, thought and purpose.
We are made in his image, we are the only beings that can mold reality with our will to make it either better or worse, think about that for a second.
The righteous man's ears know truth when they it.
Ask me ANYTHING and I will try to help you to the best of my abilities.