Real Gangsta Nigga Shit
Boojum Snark [The Neanderthal Nigga With The Big Ass Dick] ID:uICbKSRZ No.15112907 View ViewReport Quoted By:
Niggers, I have a confession.
A some years ago 2013-2017 I can't remember exactly year, I went to my 70 year old Dyke race mixing lesbian aunt's house for Thanksgiving and she looks schizophrenic or retarded I can't tell, she married a Asian woman and she literally collects races, the bitches house looked like a Very Diverse Jew Kike Faggot Advertisement, They had no white children, there were 2 Niggers and 3 Asians 1 of the Asians looked like her mother or father was half black and she was Literally Retarded, not nigger retarded, she was 40 - 60 IQ Retarded and she was in a wheelchair always smelled like piss the niggers were just acting like niggers Like Big Black Genetically Retarded Porch Monkey Coon Spook Tree Swinging Crack Smoking Homo Erectus Alabama Windchime Trayvon Martin Luther King Kong Looking Ass Jigaboo Niggers, So I went into tyrones bedroom when he was outside doing nigger shit, I stole some of that niggers weed and I grabbed that niggers big ass 2 gallon bottle of fresh water for his bong, went to the bathroom and jizzed about 4 times in that Trayvon Martin Luther King Kong Black Niggers bong water.
Was this a sin?