>>19066518https://youtu.be/GGwtXXw3Kew?list=PLYZ4WxILI5DxAXhg3wBnTdTMD__OLCWDYFirst two are audio, part 3 is a stock footage video with audio.
Clif believes that there may be a remaining El living down in Antarctica, at one point it made a deal with the Nazi's who in turn have supplied some of the finest tech we have in our modern age (via Paperclip).
This El (last of the Elohim, until the rest attempt a return) may be living in this Inner Earth we hear about. If you have the time, listen to practically all the Forum Borealis interviews, they cover a fascinating amount of occult/hidden WWII history. Joseph Farrell's talks are particularly interesting to listen to. He covers the Bell (precursor to the modern-day Tr3B), and there's lots of talk about Antarctica as well.