>>10270238 >sOME pEoPLE FIND iT diFfiCult TO UnDerstANd hOw we cAN sEE the WoRLD PrOPeRly WHen THe ImAge iS UPsIDe dowN. tHe rigHT way tO Think AboUT thIS Is to adoPT A cOmpUtAtiOnaL PERSPECtIVe. we DO nOt pErCeiVE whAt Is oN THe RETina; inStEAD, a percepT Is FOrMeD THRoUGH a CoMplEX ChAIn of nEuRal computatIoNs. A cONtroL cOMPUteR DOEs NOt CaRE whicH waY IS up, and iNVERSIon of The IMaGE is thE lEaST oF the braIN'S cOMPUTaTiOnal PRobLEMS.